The Vestry
The Vestry is the governing body of the Church and consists of the Rector, the Senior Warden, the Junior Warden, and nine lay members. The Vestry also elects a Clerk and a Treasurer. Wardens Louise Aloy, Senior Warden Brian Shuster, Junior Warden Vestry Members Jeanne Abe (2024) Chancellor Brown (2024) Sharon Daniels (2024) Velma Coloma (2025) Charles Hill (2025) Joan Smith (2025) Frellie Sayno (2026) Natasha Lau (2026) Milton Rickard (2026) Vestry Officers Treasurer - Sharon Daniels Delegates to Diocesan Convention Louise Aloy John Decker Shelley Riebling Marie Paul Maureen VanDenburgh K. Peter Lee (Alternate) |
Standing Committees
The work of the Church is done through its Standing Committees. Building and Grounds - Responsible for the physical upkeep and maintenance of the Church's properties. Contact: Brian Shuster, Chairperson. Evangelism - We welcome folk to the parish and put together Newcomers' socials with some "pizzaz". Fellowship - Responsible for the Church's activities designed to bring the members together as a community. Finance - Responsible for the review of the Church's finances, including the preparation of the budget for approval, and advising the Treasurer in oversight of each year's budget; also responsible for the annual review of the compensation for all clergy and staff. Contact: Sharon Daniels, Chairperson. Formation - Responsible for the Church's Christian formation and other educational opportunities. Outreach - Responsible for the Church's mission to serve the community locally and globally; also responsible for the Church's Jubilee Ministry. Pastoral Care - Looking after the personal well-being of the Church's members. Stewardship - Helping the members of the Church grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ through the use of time, talents, treasures and finances God has entrusted to us; and to encourage the support of the Church through annual giving and planned giving. Contact: Louise Aloy, Chairperson Worship - Coordinating the various worship ministries of acolytes, altar guild, Eucharistic ministers, Eucharistic visitors, greeters, lay readers, and music. Contact: Pacifico Evangelista, Chairperson Youth and Young Adults - Responsible for the coordination of the Church's ministries with youth and young adults. |