Episcopal: hard to say; easy to like!
After the American Revolution we had a bit of a marketing problem to call ourselves the Church of England! While we are part of the worldwide Anglican communion we changed it to "episcopal" which just means we organize ourselves with bishops to lead the church. Those bishops represent our links to the earliest church, where for a thousand years you could travel from Ireland to Beijing and find Christians who lived the life of Jesus according to "that which everyone has believed, everywhere, at every time" We are pleased that in Hawai'i's proud yet tumultuous history we came as guests, at the express invitation of the Hawai'ian Kingdom. The Sovereigns recognized in us a spirituality that resonated with the Kingdom; respectful, symbolic, with a love of beauty and the people and culture of Hawai'i . We have been seeking to faithfully live that for over 150 years. |
"Mere Christianity"C.S. Lewis, the beloved author of the Narnia Chronicles, the Screwtape Letters and Mere Christianity, is likely the most influential Anglican of the past century.
He had a vision for "Mere Christianity", embracing that was essential amongst all Christians. He was equally clear that what he believed could be "found in the Book of Common Prayer". We invite you to experience the spirituality which nourished C.S. Lewis, as well as a host of others: T.S. Elliot, Robin Williams (his "10 best things about being Episcopalian" is still a classic) Bono, Desmond Tutu, George Washington (& 14 more presidents)... and lots more saints, sinners, and folks in between. |
Via MediaThere was a time when the western world was tearing itself to pieces and the Christian community was being polarized: Are you Catholic, or are you Protestant? Christians have always struggled to be united, in one church. In England they rejected polarization and division. They created what they called The Middle Way. They kept Catholic practices, symbols and worship and incorporated insights from the Reformation. This spiritual vision, the practice of what is best from different traditions and rejecting extreme ideologies lives on. It is thoroughly compatible with Hawai'ian understandings of aloha and a gift that we offer to the Christian community and our nation.
Did you know there was no Christmas in Hawaii before the Anglican Church came here? Puritan missionaries objected to the celebration of Christmas as a "pagan" celebration. King Kamehameha instituted Christmas as a holiday in Hawaii under Anglican influence. You're welcome! |
Sensuous, spiritual,